well, apologies for the late post. The event was a success, if i may be permitted to say considering it was on time throughout, we managed to maintain on average an attendance of at least 150 students throughout the event (people came, sat and left, and came, due to classes). towards the end, there was a huge rush for the pizza. I am sorry we didn’t give pizza to those who didn’t have coupons, rules are rules, and they have to be followed. Getting free pizza is always nice, but so is attendance in the event. Anyways, some people did take extra folders which we had kept to give to the participants and the organizers. apart from that the winners for the event.

Basim Waheed won first Prize and most innovative prize for Moto Taxi and a prize money for Rs.13,500

Syed Ali Vaqas won the second prize for home tutor and a prize money for Rs.8,500

Samar Sethi won the third prize for and a prize money for Rs.6,000

Each participant team got  Rs.1000 for participating in the event.

I would like to thank the sponsors, AKD securities and PAPCO for sponsoring the event and the organizing team for helping through out.

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