THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful turnout at TALENTREPRENEUR!

It was great seeing the enthusiasm and the creativity that you exhibited with your dinos, your acting and your quest for the treasure at the end of the treasure hunt.

We hope you had a great time and learn from the teamwork that you were put through and gave you a chance of socializing and networking.

We’re looking forward to organizing other great events for you. 🙂

TALENTREPRENEUR: Reminder for All Participants

Dear TALENTREPRENEUR Participants: We hope that you are as excited about tomorrow as we are. We have been working really hard, trying to bring you this spectacular event. Just wanted to remind you to arrive on time (max 3.15pm for main campus teams) because we will start according to schedule (penalties for late comers). Make sure you WEAR YOUR TALENTREPRENEUR T-SHIRTS! See You Then! 🙂

Final List of teams for TALENTREPRENEUR 09

Here is the final list of teams selected on “first come, first served” basis.
Interested individuals in the rest of the teams are welcome to volunteer in helping us run the event. Please e-mail us at now!


Registrations for TALENTREPRENEUR 09 Have Been Closed!

Thank You ALL for the fantastic response. It was really overwhelming. After taking in the maximum number of teams, we have closed the registration.

However, if you are interested in the event, we are welcoming volunteers who can help us carry the activities out. It will be great!

E-mail us your volunteering requests with your contact details now!

Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday! 🙂




Be There!

IBA’s Entrepreneurship Society (IBAES) presents its debut event, a Talent Hunt which will seek to determine your creativity and decision making skills through various team-building activities. The aim of these activities is to uncover your hidden potential and uncage the entrepreneur within you so that you may think Beyond!

A glimpse of what to expect: A Treasure Hunt in the grounds of the Main Campus…Redbull… And much more…

Unleash your creativity! Energize yourself with happening activities! Prove your way to the Trophy! Register Now (in teams of 4-5), a maximum of 15 teams will be entertained!

Mail us your team details at:   NOW!
NOTE: This event is open only for students of IBA.