INVENT FINALE: It’s Here!!/event.php?eid=120255531352893&ref=ts

The moment of truth is HERE!
On this day, history will be written and the lives of a bunch of talented individuals from across Pakistan will be changed forever!
Come and witness the showdown of the competing teams at the FINALE of “INVENT: The Entrepreneurial Challenge” being organized by the IBA Center for Entrepreneurial Development and the IBA Entrepreneurship Society.

Note: External attendants will need to register to be able to attend.
Kindly contact us at

Program Details

The Verve 2010 – Details

The Verve

The IBAES announces a great news for all of those talented young entrepreneurs who were not able to submit their entries for our showcase of the StudEntrepreneurs as yet. Now is your time to get noticed! Send in your entries today.

These young leaders and student entrepreneurs will be highlighted at The Verve 2010.

The Verve is an event where the existing student entrepreneurs of IBA will be promoted and their talent displayed through video documentaries, interactive discussions and mentoring by the honorary guest panel comprising of IBA Alumni who have proved to be successful Entrepreneurs. The event is also aimed at recognizing the extraordinary journeys of these IBA graduates who have made a mark in the entrepreneurial world. They will share their personal stories and engage in interactive dialog amongst themselves and the student entrepreneurs.

However, In order to be recognized you need to get yourself registered first!

A video of max 1 min 30 seconds is required that includes your aim, business nature, achievments, any recognition that you have received and if you have time; maybe some of the major problems that you faced. The style and format of the video is on your discretion and you may choose to make it in any style that you want. Kindly consult with the society’s marketing department regarding the style and content of your video.

Please note that the deadline for entries is Friday, 5th February 2010.

For any further queries please contact Suhaib Jalis Ahmed @  0345-2161404 or Sultana Haider @ 0322-8296000

E-mail in your entries to or submit the video files on a CD or USB.

The Verve is tentatively scheduled to be held on February 28, 2009. Final details on the date and venue to be announced soon. STAY TUNED!

StudEntrepreneur 2010

In Recognition of Extraordinary Entrepreneurial Efforts!

For full hi-res versions, head over to our official Facebook page!

Shell-Tameer Workshops Return!

SHELL-TAMEER UPDATE: Registrations for Saturday (19th) are FULL! Send in your requests along with your contact details NOW to register for Wednesday’s (23rd December) session “BRIGHT IDEAS”!

We are delighted to inform you that the series of Shell-Tameer Workshops are being hosted again in IBA after the postponement due to the fragile security situation in the country. Here are the details of the upcoming workshops:

First Session:

Saturday, December 19 2009:  9am – 5pm

Second Session:

Wednesday, December 23 2009:  9am – 5pm

Register for your attendance at either one of these workshops latest by Thursday, December 17 2009. Both the workshops are exclusive and you may register for either one according to your convenience.

Remember, the seats are limited so please confirm now.

Please note that this is a full-day workshop and IBA will not be accommodating for any absences in classes. Hence make sure that you have enough available absences to be able to attend this workshop.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

E-mail in your registration requests NOW, Limited Seats!




Be There!

IBA’s Entrepreneurship Society (IBAES) presents its debut event, a Talent Hunt which will seek to determine your creativity and decision making skills through various team-building activities. The aim of these activities is to uncover your hidden potential and uncage the entrepreneur within you so that you may think Beyond!

A glimpse of what to expect: A Treasure Hunt in the grounds of the Main Campus…Redbull… And much more…

Unleash your creativity! Energize yourself with happening activities! Prove your way to the Trophy! Register Now (in teams of 4-5), a maximum of 15 teams will be entertained!

Mail us your team details at:   NOW!
NOTE: This event is open only for students of IBA.