
The vision for the entrepreneurship society is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit in IBA.

Short term Objective for this semester: Hold a simple IBA-wide business plan competition

Mid term Objective for next academic year 08-09: Hold a National business plan


Long term Objective: Work with the Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence for funding of entrepreneurial initiatives coming out of the Institute of Business Administration.


We intend to set a new trend, we intend to innovate where ever possible, we intend to carry forward the society’s vision beyond ourselves.

Based on the participation level of the society we will nominate the future co-managers for the society.


Nida Anwer: Maintaing a CGPA of 3.82 and staying within the Top 3 positions through out the stay in IBA is no mean feat. She has been the Class Rep. for Six Conseqetive Semesters. Nida is an active member of “Show You Care” NGO. She was the Assistant Manager for CWS society last year and plans to open her own Designer Brand.

Syed Sooban Moin: (0333-3223056) The General Secretary for BITS for 2006-2007. He worked as editor for “ACTIVATE”, a brand activation magazine. He was the relationship manager for the “Revolutionizing Marketing” Seminar.

Those who are registered once will be registered for life. But registering means that you do something to on your part to justify the membership for the society. We don’t want people who are registering just for the heck of it. If you are registered you are supposed to work for the society and for the vision and for the objectives. We expect every member of the society to do something for the society every week. We need passionate people for the society who will nurture it and take it forward.

Entrepreneurship Society Plans

The entrepreneurship society is planning on holding a simple business plan competition.

People who are interested should go to the Registration page and get themselves registered. (Follow the instructions.)

Since we’ll be working on a very tight schedule, we need registration people to register as soon as possible.

The society is slightly different from the other societies. We have a vision and we will work each year towards that vision.